Get a personal loan or line of credit to meet your varied financial needs. Access the funds anytime by calling or stopping by the credit union.

  • You can also use these funds as overdraft protection on a checking account or as a backup for a debit card.
  • A $20 annual fee is assessed to the line every December.
  • Loan term is two years and the payment amount is 5% of your balance or $25 whichever is greater.

Personal loans are for any purpose for a fixed amount ranging from $500 to $20,000 up to 5 years.

Be Free in 3 Loans 

Be Free in 3 Loans allow you to get the money you need but have it paid off in three years.  Rates as low as 10.99% APR. Certain Restrictions Apply.

Contact a loan officer for more details and current rates. When you’re ready to apply, please complete the online loan application.

How to apply for a personal loan:

  • Login to It’sME247 Online Banking
  • Click “New Accounts”
  • Click “More Loan Info”
  • Click “Apply Online” on the same line as the loan type you wish to apply for.